Courses. What to expect…
The Mindful Self-Compassion Course is delivered on Zoom or in person. It includes activities, meditations, short talks, experiential exercises, group discussion, and home practices. MSC is a workshop rather than a retreat, though does have a dedicated retreat session included. The goal is for participants to directly experience self-compassion and learn practices that evoke self-compassion in daily life.
MSC is primarily a compassion training course although mindfulness is the foundation of self-compassion. MSC is therapeutic but is not therapy insofar as the emphasis of MSC is on building emotional resources rather than addressing old wounds. Positive change occurs naturally as we develop the capacity to be with ourselves in a kinder, more compassionate way.
It is said that “love reveals everything unlike itself.” While some difficult emotions may arise when practicing self-compassion, as MSC teachers we are committed to providing a safe, supportive environment for this process to unfold, and to making the journey interesting and enjoyable for everyone.
MSC includes 8 weekly sessions of 2hrs 30 mins/3 hours each and a retreat.. The retreat session is between Session 5 and 6; either on another day or runs at the usual time so making the course 9 weekly sessions. Prior to registering, participants should plan to attend every session and practice mindfulness and self-compassion in their everyday lives for at least a few minutes or up to 30 mins throughout the course.
Support during the course
Should you experience any difficulties in connection with the course in between the sessions, myself and co teacher will be available via e-mail during the week and you can also make contact with us on the phone. It may also be helpful to ask a friend or if appropriate, a therapist to be available for personal support during the course.
No previous experience with mindfulness or meditation is required to attend MSC. To ensure safety, participants are asked to provide background information as part of an informal conversation with myself.
Booking a place
Standard course fee £325
(There are some subsidised places on courses for those with a low income. Please don’t let cost be a barrier, contact me)
To reserve a place on the course please contact me by email, using the contact me link, for us to arrange a time for me to call you for an informal conversation together. I will tell you more about the course and we’ll explore if now is the right time for you to do the course.
Once a place on the course has been confirmed your place is secured with full fee payment paid by bank transfer BACS. Please let me know when you make a payment.
You can cancel up to 1 month before and access a full refund minus an administrative charge £20.00. Refunds are not available once you have started the course.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Upcoming Courses
Time: Wednesday mornings 10am-12.45 on zoom.
Dates: Jan 2023 on the 11th, 18th, 25th, Feb 1st, 8th, 22nd, March 1st, 8th, 15th.
There is now a great deal of research to show that if we are self-compassionate we are more emotionally resilient, suffer less from stress, anxiety and depression, maintain healthy habits such as diet and exercise and have more satisfying personal relationships.
Based on the groundbreaking research of Kristin Neff and the clinical expertise of psychotherapist Christopher Germer, MSC teaches core principles and practices that enable us to respond to difficult moments in our lives with kindness, care and understanding using mindfulness and self compassion.
The MSC course is a 9 week online zoom course, starting on Wednesday mornings in January 2023
If you’re interested in attending this course but cannot make Wednesday mornings please email me to register an interest as I will be looking to run this course at other times depending on demand. Please let me know which time of day you could do AM (10-1), afternoon (2-5pm/3-6pm), evening (6-9pm)and which days of the week you could do.
You do not need to have done a previous mindfulness course to take part.
The course will explore how to
· stop being so hard on yourself
· handle difficult emotions with greater ease
· motivate yourself with encouragement rather than criticism
· transform difficult relationships, both old and new
· become your own best teacher
· manage caregiver fatigue and more…..
Led by Helen Bambrough and Claire Garthwaite
Cost £295
(There are subsidised places on this course for those with a low income.
Please don’t let cost be a barrier, please contact me)
To register please email me using the Contact button below.
Please note places for this Course are now limited